Saturday 1 March 2014

Information Overwhelm: The Conspiracy!


You know, erh, I'm probably going to get killed for this, but ... I have not told you I am a Freemason. Like HIGH up, WAY up there, like, ... I drank from a skull, you know. They all talk about that.
They have a lovely skull at Lonsdale, allegedly it belonged to an old lady who lived in the building. She was very insistent that she would donate her skull for that purpose, because she was very fond of the Knight Templars.

But.. that aside... that's just my credentials, so you'll believe me when I tell you this shocking fact:

Humpty Dumpty was pushed. 

There, I said it.
This is why all the Jews go to the Wall in Jerusalem and put little notes in holes. And cry.
All the King's men (King Solomon of course) WERE actually able to put him back together again, contrary to the blatant lies spread in popular media, like Children's Books.

Humpty took the gral cup (an egg holder, which held his yolk). That's why egg holders look like this:
Then he rowed to Southern France, where he lived a long life and spawned lots of children. This is commemorated by Easter, a festival all about eggs and fertility. The eggs are decorated with zigzag lines to commemorate the glue that resurrected Humpty Dumpty. 

This is why Easter has to move around in the calendar. It's a secret holiday and if it's too predictable, it will not be safe. The secret society dedicated to preserving the TRUTH has cleverly, to its initiates, made the holiday predictable only by advanced astrology - and dependent on both Sun and Moon (it's always on a SUNday and the Paschal Moon).

You will be utterly surprised to know that the day of Easter was the assimilated original date for Passover, STOLEN by the Counsel of Nicaea in 425AD. We have to wonder if this is a Jewish or Roman Catholic conspiracy. Why this disproportionate effort to conceal the TRUTH ?!?!?
In the light of this, the Easter Egg Hunt is pretty tasteless, akin to the Witch Hunts.

The Secret Order was very wide spread around the Russian Revolution. We have all seen the Faberge eggs, which are the sacred artifacts of the Order. Often they are adorned by the 5 petaled Rose. Is this a mockery of the Rose and Cross? Or is this witnessing the TRUE story?

 The current headquarters are in France and England, hidden in plain sight. The building is deliberately phallic, referring to both the Great Rite (Sex Magick!) and to the bloodline of the Egg.

-------------------------------------------------- Here I draw a line ---------------------------------

You know I could continue with this for several days. I could make up titles and credentials and rites of this order and elevate myself to its Grand Priest and hope to get laid by dozens of little hopeful yoga bunnies, who are on a naive quest for the TRUTH. See, I mentioned TRUTH several times and I constructed a nice little secluded information bubble, which EXPLAINS IT ALL. I should perhaps have shopped for a nice URL, something with TRUTH or NEWS or REAL or something. But all the good ones are taken. Because there is a SHITLOAD of people out there doing this "thing". We're in a sense ALL doing this "thing"...

My friend Larry dug this up for Facebook the other day.

This is exactly IT!

Somehow an externalized enemy and a solid information bubble makes us feel OH SO SAFE.
We are BOMBARDED with stuff. Our brains can take in about 10 bits pr. second and we all have a megabit pr. second data lines in our freaking cellphones. So what do we do?

We create information bubbles. Or, rather ... we purchase them.

Facebook mines our preferences. Google mines our preferences. They want to be USED and just like the "Evil Banker Conspiracy" count their success by the dollar, Google and Facebook count their success by CLICKS. That's how they survive and grow. So when you "just have to see, once" that ad on the right side of your "timeline" with the big boobs or tight butt, you're suddenly getting friend suggestions from every soft-porn (excuse me, nude art) Facebook teaser page that also had leather.
Or whatever. It takes 3 weeks to shake that kind of ads off again.

If you like me have some 1300 friends or something even more ridiculous on Facebook, you would get overwhelmed if it was real relationships or real friends. If each one has 10 posts a day, you'd have to read 13000 posts in an 18 hour workday, which gives you exactly 5 seconds for each post. Fifty seconds for each friend - and good luck with the REST of your life.

Facebook and Google wants you to not get overwhelmed. They are kind people and they want CLICK$. So they make sure that everything that pops up SUPPORT your forming or already existing information bubble, or rather "comfort zone".

That's when we stop looking for the TRUTH. We're prepared to settle for a really good fantasy that explains it all in a simple way and with no contradictions. That's why we can no longer look up  when we're riding the Skytrain. There are people out there we may disagree with and who might demand their fifty seconds. Begone with them! Off with their Heads! UNFRIEND.

Our World is SO MUCH EASIER to handle when it's viewed through something WAY better than a pair of colored glasses: Retina Displays. Almost as good as real, 4.3" in diagonal and it has ALL of the World's non-offensive wonders sifted right to a Theater Near You. And Me.

Hey, I'm not like that. I hate Harper and fight the Evil Illuminati and Monsanto and Fracking and Oilsands, The Enbridge pipeline and Senseless Giraffe Murders. I do Yoga and play drums. I even wear strange socks. I play an 800 year old Tibetan Singing Bowl and Moonbathe my crystals. I believe we are all connected. In La Kesh. I am another You. Mitakuye Oyasin. Aum!! I hate Big Pharma. I hate Big Banks. I wear organic cold pressed virgin sweaters and I like Vegan. I am also a Google Witch and a Google Shaman. FUCK, I am SO DIFFERENT I should be covered in gold and worshiped. I doubt I could do any better.

I am THAT special.

So are my all my electronically pre-selected Facebook friends. Google immediately suggests the TRUTH I want to hear on the first 3 "hits". Hundreds of tools are at my disposal through my 4.3" Retina Display that will help me build any f*king reality I want and keep the rest away from me. I nestle comfortably between the other Google Witches and Google Shamans and share cat photos and hate Harper and Monsanto with a dangerous vengeance.

So why am I doing this? Is this some kind of CONSPIRACY by the 5 people who own all the media? Are they keeping me passive and happy in my little Matrix Pod with all the hoses coming out of my neck without my knowledge? Something EVIL must be behind this. (It's not MY fault).

Yes. The exact same "evil" that created religion, secret societies, spirituality, systems of magic, rituals ... you name it. Everything we do and everything we "are".

We made it to be comfortable and unchallenged,
while feeling "part of".  

We want to be connected in comfort!

And it went completely askew on us. That's why we're pissed off. Monsanto is giving us comfortably available food (albeit somewhat carcinogenic) and Facebook and Google and TV is giving us TRUTH that's comfortably available (albeit not in any way representing the actual World). Big Pharma is giving us comfortably available quick fixes (albeit with lots of side effects, such as sudden death) to have a Nyquil Day or go to work even though our body is invisibly struggling. We're not willing to go the long way around to get results. We want to be comfortable and unchallenged and FEEL connected.

Here's my news for you (and me): We're doing it wrong. 

Because we're neither comfortable, unchallenged or connected.
And I don't see it ending there, the way we are doing it.
This is not my dream Rastafarian Paradise Island with Fruit Abundant.

As I have now managed to offend everybody, yet two big questions remain:

Why the hell are we doing this to ourselves.
And how do we stop.

We are doing it because the overwhelm is real. 
350 years ago Francis Bacon wrote "The New Atlantis" ... which revealed the invention of how knowledge could be shared and built upon, layer by layer. Before that time, each person of wisdom was to acquire a complete understanding ... from the heart. Through the Alchemy or other discipline, he would slowly absorb, into his intuition, a way of interacting with the World that even transcended Death, if you got really good.

The Royal Society was formed and defined "Science Glorious" which implemented Bacon's scheme. And "Science Glorious" prospered. It completely exceeded critical mass and blew so much out of proportion that all us little cogwheels in the machinery lost overview. This was anticipated by Bacon, he was merely wondering, how far this could go if we started working together in a structured way.

I have the answer for you, Francis Bacon: The rudder fell off. 

The World as such has no rudder even remotely connected to us, but we lost our personal rudders. This makes us lousy leaders, just like Harper and Putin and (insert name here).

We ALL suffer from the lack of overview. It was DESIGNED that way.
That's why we now have to measure our success by dollars or clicks.
We serve the "system" - because it has become bigger than us.
It feeds us and entertains us and we'd DIE without it.

What I want to tell you with this is that we still have a rudder.
We just forgot.
We don't trust it any longer.
Giving the stupid reason that we know we don't know it all.

We have been suffering trying to create small, safe Worlds, information bubbles, caves, that keep us safe from that "great unknown" out there, which seems threatening. We don't LIKE our SPECIES.
The conspiracy is US. What we DID.

We KNOW inside that Fracking and Oilsands and Pipelines are not right.
They are not respectful to the Creation. 
But we can't prove it.
We can't prove that there is global warming or that vaccinations are bad for you.
So we end up in emotional, scientific bickering, because even the best of scientists protect HIS or HER little bubble of safety and sanity against the overwhelming World.
We all have OUR OWN conspiracy. Which is - all that's outside our friendly friend bubble.

I think we're wrecking the planet.
It does not feel right to me.

So here's my rudder speaking: it's my heart.

It may not contain all the knowledge of the Internet, but it knows enough to be a Creature of this Planet, living in a respectful way.

I may be delusional in my beliefs and decisions, but due to the sheer amount of information out there, I can't take it all in. I'd explode or go insane. I have tried and continue to do so with little result - and people tell me my IQ is over 160 and I spent 12 years at University to boot.

We're all in this boat.
There's no way around it.

What we can't do is to follow our convenience and try to be connected again by carving out well protected information bubbles. No matter what the "bottom line" says, whether it is in clicks or dollars. It does not get us there. We're putting the planet at risk because we are blind and big.

What gets us there is to return to RESPECT. Some really right things can't be proven or argued.
They simply feel right, in the heart.
They can only be implemented by making a vow - sometimes against all evidence.

When asked why we put those stupid solar cells up, the answer can never be better than:
"This is the way I walk". 

In some strange way, our information bubbles are training us for this return to respect and heart-centered dignity as a species. They make us immune to all the information contained in the "conspiracy". Nobody fights harder than a conspiracy nut confronted with facts.

We just have to take it that single, little step further ... we have to include our own information bubble in the conspiracy. We have to face our darkness and make it visible:

We are overwhelmed.
We don't know anything.
We just work here.

And you know ... we were actually designed to do that.
Follow that heart. Walk in respect.

Mitakuye Oyasin.